“Can I Weigh You?”
Discover a fresh approach to church health that goes beyond numbers. Learn how to prioritise spiritual growth and disciple-making, and how to weigh the true impact of your church.
“Surely Sincerity Is What Counts”
While sincerity is often praised, it’s crucial to remember that it doesn’t guarantee truth. Explore the difference between sincere belief and accurate belief, and why it matters in our pursuit of faith and understanding.
“You Christians Are Just So Arrogant”
In a world that values tolerance above all else, how can Christians hold fast to their convictions? Discover why a truly tolerant society must be one that values truth and allows for differing viewpoints, even if they are unpopular.
Are We Touching the Same Elephant?
Is the idea that all religions lead to the same God really true? Explore the flaws in the pluralistic worldview and why it's important to critically evaluate religious claims.
Why Relativism Is Simply Inadequate
In a world of endless opinions, is there such a thing as absolute truth? Explore the limitations of relativism and the importance of objective truth, especially when it comes to matters of faith and spirituality.
If It’s True for Me, Is It True for You?
Explore the nature of truth, the claims of Christianity, and the importance of discerning fact from fiction. Find out about the difference between subjective and objective truth, and why it matters for Christian belief.